Western Regional Closed Championship at Scottish Fest
~The entry will go live Sunday March 9th at 9am PST~
Entry Link:
Caledonia Club of San Francisco Championship & Premiership
Friday: Choreography competition
Saturday: Championship in morning, pre-premier and premier competition in the afternoon.
Sunday: Pre-championship and pre-premier in morning, premiership in the afternoon.
San Diego Highland Games
Premier Competition: Saturday, June 22. Pre-Premier Competition: Sunday, June 23
Phoenix Championship and Premiership
Saturday, March 2, 2024. Championship morning. Pre-premier afternoon.
Sunday, March 3, 2024. Pre-premier & Pre-championship in the morning. Premiership afternoon.
Redwood Empire Competition
Entries can be submitted using this link
Registration 10:15. Dancing begins at 10:30 with the Beginner Fling. Hall will not open until 10am
Tucson Highland Games
Competition Saturday, November 4, 2023. registration 9:00am, dancing begins at 9:30am.
Workshop with the Judge on Sunday, November 5, 2023 at 9:00am
Scottish Fest at Costa Mesa (West Region Closed Championship)
Entries are now closed.
Saturday: West Region Closed CHampionship, Open Premier Nationals Competition, Pre-Premier Highland Competition
Sunday: Pacific Coast Open Championship, Choreography Competition, Pre-Premier Nationals Competition
For any questions please reach out to organizer: Fred DeMarse